Sunday, May 6, 2012

Can you upgrade a laptop's video card and if so how?

I just bought a laptop with a pretty good graphics card, but i might need to replace it in about a year because i like to do gaming at good specs and all. I need to know if the video card can be replaced.|||Upgrading laptop's video card are more likely can't be upgraded dues to the motherboard's capacity.

Most expensive and high grade laptop carry a pastic door covering the laptop's video card. But understand this that laptop that are expensive and high grade more likely to carry a 128mb or 256mb video card.|||most laptops aren't upgradeable in terms of video card. if an upgrade is available, you can usually avail of this from the manufacturer itself. the most you can do for your laptop is upgrade the memory and replace the hard disk with a bigger one.|||u can and look in the manual cause all laptops are different|||nope --- they are fixed to the mobo --- only very few can be changed out --- like alienware pcs --- but who has 3000.00 to shell out on a laptop--- me i would build a gameing desk top and buy a decent laptop|||Don't buy a laptop for gaming.|||yes just go to your local computer store (like a privately owned business because comp usa and bestbuy probably wont have them) and get your own custom one built. They are great for laptops too.

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