Friday, May 4, 2012

I need a video card solution for game playing on laptop.?

My on has a laptop and wants to play a game called Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. Unfortunately, his computer tells him that his video card does not meet the games minimal standards. So, I'm thinking perhaps there is a solution out there but not sure where to look. His computer is a Compaq he received two years ago from his mother bought new at that time.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thank you very much.|||sadly, it seems the laptop is too outdated for the game. maybe he should get a new laptop.|||Mark of Chaos came out pretty recently. Tell your "on" to go to "run" and type in "dxdiag". You should get your computer's hardware configuration. Compare your computer's configuration to the configuration the game requires. Then plan accordingly.

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