Sunday, May 6, 2012

What is the best way to make your laptop play games faster without having to buy video cards and RAM?? ?

I like to play games on my laptop but they always lag a little bit. What should i do to help they game not lag. I was thinking about trying to uninstall some programs that I dont use but other than that I need some help trying to solve the lag problem.

Thanks alot guys,


With pc optimizer pro you can safely clean, repair and optimize your computer.

It will help improve your system performance without expensive hardware upgrades.|||About program uninstalling :

A guy who had laptop was playing wow.

Cause it was lagging he decided to uninstall firewall (!!!!).

The other day, his laptop was full of viruses....

So, do not uninstall programs if you are not completely sure you wont cause problem to your laptop.

To make a game play with more fps (faster), The first thing you should do is lower the game resolution. You will have better performance without loosing the quality.

If the problem remains, try turning off everything about shadows (if its possible) and antialising.

If the problem remains, turn off or lower as possible every video (and display) option in game.

This is the BEST way to improve game performance loosing the lowest quality.

Adding ram is a really good way too!!|||Uninstalling won't help at all. The only way it would help is if you have less space on your hard drive than you do RAM. This blocks you from using virtual memory, thus degrading performance

What you can do is close processes that don't need to be run. You won't need your printer software running while you game, right? Close out stuff like that.

Also, try turning down the game's quality settings. That will help speed it up.

There's no reason to buy a Mac just to play games. More RAM will help somewhat, but it's won't suddenly make games better. If you've only got 1GB, you should upgrade to at least 2GB, but otherwise it's just your video card, and you can't swap that out in most laptops.|||If they are hardcore games, like Sims 2 other video game like games. The only way to make them run better on a laptop would be to buy a better video card and add more rams.

The everday laptop really isn't meant to be a top notch gaming computer. You need a gaming laptop for that.

Desktops are ussally better for the games to be played on.

If the game lags, that normally means your computer has low ram and doesn't meet even the minimial recuriments of the game.

You could uninstall program, but I doubt that would solve the problem.|||Get games that use less memory is the only way. More Ram, More Ram and even More Ram. If you have an older computer then it's time for a new one. Here's why you should get a Mac:: There are NO CONS. The MacBook does both WinBloze and OSX, no other computer can make that statement. You have the best of the best. Apple Stores are popping up all over and you can make an appointment for a time and date, bring your computer there. They will troubleshoot it and fix it if it's a software problem it's FREE. What other computer company has stores and can make that statement? Get the 2.4 GHz with 4Gigs Ram and you got a speed machine like mine. The WinBloze people may not like a Mac computer but I'll bet they all have iPods. Go Mac and Never Go Back.|||Hi,

There is pretty much only one way to help in that situation.

Use a program such as Fsautostart from :-…

That is configurable to kill off as many process as possible to free up cpu time for games.

I added anew user for games and use it every time I play, it does make some difference and it's free.

Arnak|||remove as much from your hard drive as you can spare then defrag it.

close all unwanted programs, including those hiding in your taskbar by the clock

download something called RivaTuner (google it and use their advice on the website for its use) to overclock your graphics card

NOTE: only overclock a small ammount because cooling on a laptop is not as effective as a PC

if you want to be picky set your windows theme to classic as it takes up less RAM space|||Using a registry cleaner can clean up your computer and then make your computer faster,Why?the reason is that there may be some registry errors and remnant,corrupt files and temp files in your computer to cause "computer slow".

Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the computer registry.over time, the registry can grow to enormous proportions, especially if the various programs you've installed do not do a good job of deleting and/or updating it's Registry entries.You need to scan and clean your computer with registry cleaner to make it fast.Good Registry Cleaner will improve your computer and Internet performance dramatically!

There are some comparison and review of TOP 5 registry cleaners.

You can download and scan your computer for free.|||you can't upgrade video cards in laptops anyway all you can upgrade is ram,hard drive and dvd drive…|||The less data on your hard drive, the better.

You can also find instructions for running a "stripped down" version of windows here:…|||To the guy suggesting a Mac, DON'T get one. A lot of games aren't compatible with it and they are twice as expensive. Also if you live outside the U.S there are NOT any Apple stores.|||first see requirements 4 particular game and wat u have then only u will be able to play|||That is the best way.

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