Sunday, May 6, 2012

Are there some laptops that are upgradable?

I've been more of a desktop person, but it's really time for me to get a laptop. I know with most laptops you can swap out RAM, but are there any where you could also swap out video cards/processors? I would want to do a lot of gaming on it, so that's what I would want to do the upgrading for.|||cpu's aren't that hard. Wireless card and harddrive can be upgraded too. Although the harddrive has your operating system and files on it.

Its the video card (gpu) the part that usually sucks. The more expensive laptops will have a big side slot that can be upgraded (something similar to PCMCIA slot). The gpu on Laptops are commonly built-into the motherboard as a chip.|||No on the video "card" since it is not a card, rather, a chip soldered to the motherboard. Sure, you might be able to upgrade the processor.

I'd buy the very best (fastest hd, most RAM etc.) laptop I could afford now and forget upgrading anthing but RAM and the hard drive down the road.

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