Sunday, May 6, 2012

How do I update my video card on my laptop?

I want to play sims 3 on my laptop but it says i need a updated video card. Pleasee hellppp!|||

this was the best one i could find. like he says its not the same for all laptops, its a proof of concept.

hope this helps|||unless you have a laptop that was built for gaming that has a dedicated graphics card already in it then it cannot be upgraded

if your computer cannot play sims 3 then you have an integrated graphics card. which means the card is sodered onto your motherboard and cannot be removed

the only options you have are to get an external graphics card by using a Diy ViDock. which this is bulky and will cost about $200.

or just buy a new laptop that has a dedicated card that can play the game. The lowest priced laptop you will find that will have the ability to play SIMs 3 on medium setting will cost atleast $600

or keep the laptop you have and get a desktop for playing games

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